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General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Cyrus Targets Curtis Next

General Hospital (GH) spoilers and updates tease Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) has found a way to continue to be a danger to those in Port Charles. Cyrus was sent to jail out of state in order to keep him from being a problem to anyone. However, Cyrus found a way to put a hit on his sister Mayor Laura Collins (Genie Francis) and his brother Martin Grey (Michael E. Knight).

Commissioner Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) had to put Laura and Martin into protective custody to keep them safe. Cyrus may decide that he wants to go after someone else now that he cannot get to Laura and Martin. Cyrus could decide that he wants to go after Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner). Cyrus may believe that Jordan would give him information on Laura and Martin if he went after Curtis.

General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Goes After the Ones that Curtis Cares About

Cyrus may decide that he wants to go after Curtis directly. Cyrus wanted to get away from Port Charles and took Dr. Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) and her daughter Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) hostage. Cyrus was in need of medical attention. Laura gave herself up to Cyrus as a hostage to free Portia and Trina. Curtis helped to save Laura from Cyrus. Cyrus knows that Portia and Trina are important to Curtis. Cyrus may decide that he want to hurt both Portia and Trina. Cyrus has not liked Trina’s father Marcus Taggert (Real Andrews) because he and Jordan sent him to jail in the past.

Cyrus may decide to have Taggert and Jordan killed to send a message to Curtis. Cyrus knows that Curtis is close to his aunt Stella Henry (Vernee Watson) and his nephew TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow). Recently Stella had a stroke. Cyrus could try to cause Stella to have another stroke. TJ and his domestic partner Molly Lansing-Davis (Haley Pullos) are looking toward their future. Cyrus had kidnapped TJ in the past and may decide to kidnap Molly in the future to hurt both Curtis and TJ.

General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Wants to Destroy the Savoy

Curtis has opened a new nightclub called the Savoy. Curtis wanted to have a fresh start in a new business because he was tired of being a private investigator. Cyrus may decide to have the Savoy destroyed to hurt Curtis. Cyrus may do it when there are people in the nightclub. Cyrus was responsible for bombing the Floating Rib when people were in the establishment.

General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Cyrus Targets Curtis Next

General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus May be a Problem to Curtis

General Hospital Curtis believes that he is going toward a good future. He and Jordan are trying to find a way to move forward now that they are getting a divorce. Would Curtis feel guilty about leaving Jordan if Cyrus found a way to have her killed or hurt? Curtis wants to have a relationship with Portia. Will Cyrus target Portia in some way? Will he try to have Trina kidnapped or Taggert killed? Curtis hopes that Stella will make a full recovery. Could Cyrus try to prevent Stella from getting better in some way?

Curtis is happy that TJ and Molly are in a good place together. Could Cyrus find a way to cause some trouble for TJ and Molly? Curtis has found peace in being the owner of the Savoy. Will Cyrus take away the peace that Curtis has by destroying the Savoy? Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Divanana says

    Cyrus again now we don’t need this old man playing gangster. This is outrageous. Old man Cyrus? can’t get someone younger

    1. stetny says

      Why didn’t Cyrus stay gone? Sonny really needs to be back WITHOUT NINA
      AND WITH HIS MEMORIES INTACT. Too many story lines going on; please
      finish the Sonny/Nina/Carly one. Nina needs to be gone and I do hope her friend
      finds out what she’s been doing and really puts her down for it.

  2. Dayle A Riggs says

    I wish someone in prison would do in Cyrus once and for all and they find out who is helping him from the inside and put them into the prison who has Holly, Cloyie, Drew and whom ever else that dear old Peter has kidnapped and tortoure them the same way

  3. […] impressive. They had an affair years ago when Jordan was married to Tommy, her first husband, and Curtis Ashford’s (Donnell Turner) brother. She tried to pass off TJ (Tajh Bellow)as Tommy’s for years, but eventually, we all learned […]

  4. […] that he may ally himself with Cyrus. Mr. Buscema went to meet with Cyrus in order to find out what Cyrus wanted to do about Carly and Jason. Cyrus wants to find a way to get revenge on Jason and Carly for helping to put him back into jail. […]

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