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General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Might Light Drew’s Fire, But Someone Else is Going to Stoke It

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Might Light Drew's Fire, But Someone Else is Going to Stoke It

General Hospital spoilers gush Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) may be biding his time with Nina Reeves Corinthos (Cynthia Watros) right now, but rumor has it he has no designs on sticking around and playing with Nina for too long.

He knows better. Nina always has an agenda. While their arrangement might be mutually beneficial right now, it’s likely that Drew’s need for Nina will dry up well before hers does for him.

That’s just how it tends to work out when Nina takes any interest in a man. Currently, Drew is milking Nina’s connection to Congressman Larry McConkey (Sam McMurray) for all it’s worth, but now that his working relationship with the Congressman has bled over into working with Deputy Mayor Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) again, he just might lose interest in Nina faster than anyone anticipated.

General Hospital Spoilers — Nina Takes the Edge Off

Drew is clearly still working on some repressed anger from his stint in prison — all thanks to Nina. In some twisted way, he might even feel that he’s making use of the only things he finds to be valuable in her before cutting her loose.

There doesn’t appear to be any genuine interest on Drew’s part in engaging in anything more than a physical relationship with Nina.

Chalk it up to stress relief and maybe some part of him thinking he’s sticking it to Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) by hooking up with her arch-enemy, but Drew will move on soon — we just know it.

GH Spoilers Let Slip Drew Has Eyes For Someone Else

Before Nina ever sauntered into Drew’s office and picked a fight with him that landed them with all of their clothes strewn about, he was growing rather interested in Jordan.

Fortunately for him, Jordan has never been one to care much about what — or who — her love interests have gotten mixed up with in the past.

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Might Light Drew's Fire, But Someone Else is Going to Stoke It

Moving forward, they could be the next major power couple in Port Charles if Drew actually makes headway into a career in politics — a place neither of them ever imagined they would end up. Could this bond the budding twosome?

General Hospital Spoilers — Nina Won’t Make It That Easy

If we know anything about Nina, we know she doesn’t take to losing very well. Sure, she and Drew are far from a couple; no one even knows about their trysts.

But Nina is betting on being able to lean on Drew, and she’s taken to having an ally in her corner who is keen on helping her smooth things over with Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen).

If she feels like Drew has pulled the rug out from under her by ending their daytime dalliances so he can date Jordan, she could retaliate in ways he never imagined just to keep him all to herself.

Will those childish games work on a guy like Drew? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out.

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