Is Steve Burton Leaving General Hospital?

Is Steve Burton Leaving General Hospital?

Is Steve Burton Leaving General Hospital?Is Steve Burton Leaving General Hospital?General Hospital spoilers tease that one of the hottest topics burning up the internet and soap Twitter in particular recently is if Steve Burton is leaving General Hospital! Here’s what we do know on the subject.

General Hospital Spoilers – Disney, The Parent Company Of ABC Issued A Vaccine Mandate

General Hospital viewers know that at least in the United States, a vaccine mandate was issued by the president stating that companies of one-hundred or more employees must be fully vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus. Fully vaccinated means at least one Johnson and Johnson shot, or one Moderna or Pfizer shot plus two boosters. Disney, the parent company of ABC, was being pro-active in issuing their own vaccine mandate ahead of President Biden’s.

Prior to the mandate being issued, any employee including actors, set people, camera people, etcetera had to be tested every day they came onto the set or into the studio, in this case being Prospect Park Studios in Hollywood, California. Steve Burton, who as General Hospital viewers know plays Jason Morgan, had tested positive for Covid-19, although he had no symptoms back in August.

General Hospital Spoilers – It Is Not Known If Steve Burton Got The Shot Or Not

General Hospital viewers should know that according to the Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, if a person was created for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, he or she should wait 90 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine. It is not known whether Steve received this treatment or not, but if he did, having to have the shots by the first of November would be cutting it a little close. The guidance also says those who have tested positive but have no symptoms should wait until they meet the criteria for vaccination.

General Hospital viewers do know according to previous proven reports that Steve had no symptoms, and the criteria he’d have to meet to have been vaccinated by November 1st would have been to have isolated himself and then if he continued to have no symptoms, he could be with others after 10 days have passed since he had a positive viral test for COVID-19. If Steve fell in the latter, then he would have been able to get the shot by the deadline.

General Hospital Spoilers – Many Sources Have Claimed To Know Steve Burton Was Fired For Not Getting The Covid 19 Shots

General Hospital viewers who have been following this hotbed story on Twitter know that many have claimed that they have inside information regarding Steve’s status with the show. There are no clues from either Steve, any of the members of Port Chuck, or anyone else with General Hospital who has verified the rumors. Even Maurice Benard, who plays Sonny Corinthos, denied knowing anything about Steve’s firing when asked on a recent podcast.

Even the usually outspoken Nancy Lee Grahn would not verify if Steve was let go, when someone asked her in a recent tweet if Steve and Ingo Rademacher who plays Jasper “Jax” Jacks were fired. She only verified the November 1st requirement of showing a vaccine card, and said it wasn’t her place to say and that fans should ask them. So, if fans’ enquiring minds want to know if Steve is leaving General Hospital, they can tweet him, go to his Facebook or Instagram account and ask. All three mention he’s with General Hospital and he hasn’t changed it yet.

Stay tuned to General Hospital, and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates, and developments!

Rita Ryan: Rita Ryan has been writing since the age of thirteen, starting with songs and later short plays and articles. In her teenage years she was known as “Rita Lorraine” and tried to get into the country music recording industry in the 1970s and later the gospel music industry in the 1990s. Now, she concentrates her writing on soap opera spoilers specializing in General Hospital, aspires to write a series of family-friendly mysteries in the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries style, and the rest of her time is spent being grandma to her three grandchildren and cat mama to Mollie & Missie. She is married to her childhood sweetheart whom she rediscovered after 30 years apart.

View Comments (37)

  • This will be a stupid move on behalf of General Hospital is Steve Burton don't let go then all his fans will leave to the ratings are in that dumpster and by getting rid of Steve will in the show I've been watching for over 20 years and did not watch when he was not on the show only came back because he came back this will be a very bad move what you need to do is get some better writers I have new storylines instead of recycling old story lines

    • Jason makes the whole show please don’t let him go he’s one of the reasons I watched it don’t go to Jason

    • I agree!!! I also quit watching GH after Steve left. If they start firing people over not getting the vaccine then I will stop watching GH and I've been watching since 1996. Enough with all of this political crap!!!

    • That is a mean thing to say you only tune in for Steve! and insult to all the wonderful actors on GH. I like Steve too, but I kept watching all the years he chose to be on Y&R and enjoyed it very much. Also like Billy Miller ,but did not stop watching, when he left.. The health of the whole GH Family is important. Some of them go home to kids and loved ones! Have to think of them. I would miss Jason and Jax if that is true, but still watch!.

    • Jason is FINALLY in a storyline that doesn’t have him joined at the hip with Carly.
      AND having a new relationship with Britt is terrific, all the fans like it.
      Having him leave would cause a major uprising.

  • The president can not mandate that you have to take the vaccine,Congress has to do that do your research

    • Disney the parent company of ABC made GH cast get vaccinated and. Disney mandated this before President Biden ever said anything about vaccinations. Those actors that won’t get vaccinated bye, I don’t want to see any one get sick because of unvaccinated people.

  • Funny how abortion is legal on the principal that women are free decide over their bodies and kill an unborn child you are not free to decide what gets put into your body ???

  • Nancy Lee Grahn's comment speaks volumes if previous reports are accurate as to her outrage over Ingo Rademacher and Steve Burton's personal choices regarding COVID innoculations. Writers have her siting in a halfway house, not interacting with either actor. Perhaps Ms. Grahn is the problem. I have been a GH fan since day one. If either of these men leave GH for this particular reason, I'm done. Politics in a soap opera is not acceptable. One actress should not yield this kind of power.

    • I agree with you 1000 percent besides she isn’t all that great any way ?why would GH give up Steve aka Jason for her stupid move ?

  • If Steve Burton ( Jason Morgan ) leaves the show due to this vaccine (money maker bullshit ) the show will not survive. It’s bad enough that Ingo has been fired due a comment he made ( what happened to the right of free speach) ????
    We need to stand up for our rights as citizen of United States of America ?? , too bad if a someone’s feelings got hurt, grow up and get over it. You need to give it your best you have , not judt show up and expect to get a ?
    PS: I have watched General Hospital for close to 48 years ?
    GOD BLESS AMERICA , our military, Police & veterans ????????????

    • Amen you said it ???I agree and I’ve been watching for 40 plus years but I’ll stop if Steve looses his job over this crap ?

  • If Steve burton and Ingo are fired because of the vax mandate, we will quit watching. This is America. They have the freedom to choose what’s being injected into their body. I am sick of this mandate. It’s unconstitutional. Plus the vax doesn’t work.

    • Where do you get your information on the vaccination doesn't work?! You are right this is America and I have the right not to be exposed to the virus because people think their rights are more important than mine!! Quite honestly this "my freedom is being taken away" is getting old.. Turn the page!

  • Abc is getting stupid ,not making money when you keep,changing back and fourth actors life’s in real life and in gh show .is sad ,got Maurice back as sonny then tricked us and took away Jason a regular for years and just when the big story line is on and Jax comes back just to get kicked around. Welll I hope the new drew who use to be Ryan on amc is good looking but wrong character . And what are you going to do with out Jason just a few years just got him back being lost and use drew as Jason then drew confuses,his all Carly and the real person and her husmand who plays Peter fault.
    get rid of the new nickolas and the new girl friend of spencer and maxie trouble
    sad I hope gets better and Alexis gets out to celebrate.
    wish bring back lucky and Stefan ,Tracey? Laura?ned needs a new romance
