General Hospital Spoilers: First Willow, Now Carly — Nina Can’t Stop Guessing The Wrong Secrets

General Hospital Spoilers: First Willow, Now Carly — Nina Can’t Stop Guessing The Wrong Secrets

General Hospital: Carly Spencer (Laura Wright)General Hospital: Carly Spencer (Laura Wright)

General Hospital spoilers tease,  m has been barking up the wrong trees for as long as GH fans can recall. She’s known for drawing a line between two points that make no sense, but she’s really outdone herself recently. The more that she keeps inferring there are other-than-kosher things going on between people in Sonny Corinthos’ (Maurice Benard) orbit, the more he’s going to get fed up with her antics and start to see Nina for the person everyone else sees her as. Is she really all that well-intentioned?

General Hospital Spoilers — These Hotel Walls Have Secrets

Nina was minding her own business for a hot minute while doing her duties at the Metro Court Hotel, but she just happened to be lurking in the hallway at the exact moment that Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) made her way to Brick’s (Stephen A. Smith) hotel room. As Nina listened in and overheard Brick offering Carly compliments and flirting with her, she was practically salivating over stumbling upon what she thought was a juicy secret. Nina went running back to her table in the dining room with Sonny and could barely wait to tell him what she unearthed.

General Hospital Updates – Nina Reeves Can’t Stop Interfering

The problem with Nina is she just doesn’t know when enough is enough. Sonny doesn’t mess around with rumors or speculation. He likes to confront an issue head-on and move past it. So it’s no surprise he went straight to the source and asked Brick what happened with Carly. Brick was a man of honor and wouldn’t tell Sonny any more than what he needed to know — the exchange has nothing to do with him. Of course, Brick doesn’t know Carly was really helping Sonny’s associate, Dex Heller (Evan Hofer).

Why does Nina insist on pressing this theory as though there is more to the story than Brick says there is? When Sonny said he believed Brick, Nina was taken aback to the point that Sonny had to get curt with her and change the subject. Is Nina using this experience to test the waters and see how Sonny really feels about his ex-wife moving on with someone else? If so, what was that theory about Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) really about?

Sonny Corinthos Will Tire Of Nina Revve’s Nosing Around

When Nina doesn’t drop her theory about Brick, Sonny is going to become frustrated. She was already wrong about Willow having an affair with T.J. Ashford (Tajh Bellow), and Sonny was bewildered enough by her to let himself believe something more might be going on there, too. However, Sonny took T.J. at his word that nothing romantic was going on, just as he’s now done with Brick. Is Nina really going to continue to imply Sonny doesn’t know when he’s being duped? Will that blow up in his face when he finds out Carly is dating Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) and Dex is a plant? Time will tell. Keep checking back with us for more GH news and spoilers every day!

Dani Lasher: Dani Lasher is a childbirth educator, writer, women’s health advocate, and mother living in Western Maryland––just outside of Washington, DC––with her fiancé and five children. After earning her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Penn State, Danielle made good use of her writing and research talents as a copywriter, providing broken-down content on healthcare and drug research to enterprises around the globe. But her true love––the world of mothers and babies––was lying in wait. She cut the corporate career cord and hasn’t looked back since, contributing to several online publications, such as BabyGaga,, The Travel, Ingrid+Isabel, and more. Dani now runs The BIRTH Circle––an online childbirth education membership that prepares mothers to succeed at natural childbirth, as well as hosting the largest natural childbirth support network on Facebook as its companion community. With two published travel books under her belt, she spends her free time working on book number three and binge-watching General Hospital and The Kardashians.

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