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General Hospital Nancy Lee Grahn Wishes Trump Ate Lil X’s Booger

General Hospital Star Nancy Lee Grahn - Michael Fairman YouTube

Nancy Lee Grahn, (Alexis Davis) made some General Hospital fans laugh out loud when she said that she hoped Donald Trump would “choke” on X Æ A-Xii Musk’s (Lil X) booger.

A Boy In The Oval Office

While fans of Elon Musk cheer normalizing taking kids to work, some people think it’s disrespectful to the office of the president. Grahn also seems to feel that official press conferences should exclude kids. Additionally, she’s a bitter enemy of Donald Trump.

When Prince George picked his nose during the Wimbledon finals in 2022, TV viewers thought it was funny. However, Grahn and other GH fans hated it when Lil X did the same thing in Trump’s office. E! News reported that the little boy dug one out and smeared it on the presidential desk. 

MUST READ: Is Nancy Lee Grahn Getting Sued & Fired From GH?

The Comment About A Booger

On Wednesday, Nancy Lee Grahn took to her Instagram and shared a screenshot of Elon’s son picking his nose in the Oval Office. Her caption seemed rather vicious, but her fans loved it. She wrote, “One of Elon’s litter is whipping up trump’s midday protein snack. Hope he chokes on it.”

Digging For Gold During A Press Conference - Via Instagram
Digging For Gold During A Press Conference – Via Instagram


General Hospital fans liked Grahn’s sense of humor because most of her followers also can’t stand the “Orange Man Bad.” One GH follower wrote in the comments, “I was waiting for this to go viral. I’m so thankful for you 😂”

Another appreciative follower opined, “HAHAH NANCY! You’re so funny!😂 you give me so much entertainment with your posts on the daily! It is needed in this time that we are facing🙌.”

Here is another example taken from the discussion, “Love it. I hope he brought plenty of germs along with the boggers. Trump needs the flu for a couple of weeks.”

However, one follower felt that picking on a child was wrong, writing, “Children are innocent beautiful souls leave him out of it.”

Not Everyone Loves Nancy

Across social media, many people hope that the character who plays Alexis Davis will get the boot. Often outspoken, her rude comments upset a lot of people who feel she should set a better example. A decade ago, Grahn ended up having to apologize to Emmy Winner Viola Davis after posting a perceived racist tweet.

Popular or not, Grahn survived as an actress in the drama for approximately 29 years. Fans watched her age from 40 to nearly 70 as she picked up acting awards along the way. Whatever people feel about her personality seems offset by her successful career as an actress. 

What are your thoughts on Nancy’s sense of humor? Do you think she was witty and funny? Or, is it wrong to talk about a kid even if his dad, Elon Musk put him in front of the cameras? Let us know in the comments below, and come back here for all your cast news and updates

  1. Babs says

    What does she want the country to go communist? She’s getting to be rather ignorant. I’ve gotten tired of her. She needs to go. She’s becoming a trouble maker.

  2. June says

    I can not understand why.G.H writers and producers Put up with such a trashey mouth nancy grahn she is so jelous of Trump it shows,Trump wouldn’t give that trash the time of day.I have had it No more G.H. there is a new soap starting in a couple of weeks that in on at the same time on different channel I look foward to watching it.Nancy grahn has ruined G.H. she talks pure trash.She has no class just plain trash.G.H. It just may be too late to save G.H so many fans are x fans now.I will be watching beyound the gates it’s gotta be better than watching the nancy grahn trash show thus is the final straw G.H has lost the respect of fans good bye

  3. Kathy says

    Stick to acting and zip it regarding politics!
    Keep your comments to yourself!!

  4. Cat says

    I love her and her political slant! She is a fabulous actor and has the awards to prove it. God knows her comments are no where as bad as some of the things Trump has said. Not the least of which was his making fun of a handicapped reporter which Nancy would never do. She has more class. I say again, don’t like her, don’t read her comments.

  5. Marietta says

    Nancy is over ! She’s cruel & a very unhappy person… She should go instead of the good ones exiting GH. Most of this country wanted Trump ( not a Democrat ). The Dems ruined this country… She should be happy he won if she had half a brain because he will make her life better but ignorance is bliss for Nancy,

  6. Rose says

    Why can’t she keep her foul mouth shut? Why does GH put up with her? She’s ok on GH but in GENERAL she is a person of LOW LIFE! When she’s not speaking her lines on gh, HER MOUTH SHOULD. SEWED SHUT!!!

  7. Adrienne70 says

    First of all he had no business there .The boys mother did not like it who name their son X unbelievable and the mother goes for it .all Trump talk about money cut back on this .what about high prices for food eggs etc Trump making Elon more money and let’s not forget trump he is stealing money

    1. sooz says

      I don’t know how old you are but John-John was always in the oval office with his dad JFK.

  8. Janice says

    Why can’t see just keep her mouth shut and keep her thoughts to herself. And, why is GH putting up with this. She’s starting to be trouble. She’s a good actor on the show but off she’s getting to be a nuisance.

    1. Janice says

      Makes me wonder why she hates Trump so much. Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide. She’s become deranged. Democrats are done. She needs to get the memo. GH should dump this lunatic. I skip thru all her scenes. Can’t stand her anymore.

  9. Paulette says

    I love nancy! She says what everyone else is afraid to do. Trump & Elon Musk are true dictators and you are living in a communist country!

    1. Sharon says

      They are not only communists, but fascists! I hope we will always have the right to free speech that allows Nancy to speak her mind. I’m afraid we’re going to lose that with all our other rights.

  10. sooz says

    She’s such a pathetic looser. The Republicans are back in power eos.

  11. Barbara says

    Who even thinks Nancy knows what she is talking about. She is definitely NOT AN INTELLIGENT WOMAN, even tho she might think she is. General Hospital – get rid of her.

  12. Randie says

    Nancy has no idea what she’s talking about. She’s supporting the enemies of America. I don’t know if she’s just unintelligent or so biased she can’t think straight.

    1. Sharon says

      I thought our enemies were places like Russia, and people like Putin. But under the current regime, they are heroes. Trump idolizes dictatorships. He has his nose so far up Putin’s rear end, that he can’t breathe a word of the truth! he took on the Russian rhetoric that Ukraine started the war, when clearly Russia attacked Ukraine. It reminds me of Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s. That’s scary! I don’t know how people are falling for it. But what does that have to do with the price of eggs!

  13. MJ says

    Oh brother! How old is she? Six? And it sounds like most of her fans are just as ignorant and childish as she is. 🙄

  14. Laura says

    she is the most pathetic person I’ve ever seen it heard of!!! she needs to be fired!!!!

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