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General Hospital Spoilers: Ominous Fate For Danny? Steve Burton Weighs In!

General Hospital Spoilers: Ominous Fate For Danny? Steve Burton Weighs In!

General Hospital spoilers tease that Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) has been more and more concerned in recent months about her son Danny Morgan (Asher Antonyzyn), who she shares with Jason Morgan (Steve Burton).

Jason has always been a danger junkie, as was Sam back in the day, and Danny’s behavior indicates that he also has those traits.

Of course, that terrifies Sam because she’s terrified that Danny will be injured or worse. Sam believes that being near Jason automatically puts Danny’s life at risk.

General Hospital Spoilers – Sam McCall made a desperate plea to Carly Spencer

Recently, Sam paid a desperate visit to Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) to ask for her help. Sam wanted Carly to talk to Jason about staying away from Danny.

Carly refused, and that started a terrible argument during which Sam blurted out that she didn’t want Danny to end up like Carly’s son, Morgan Corinthos (Bryan Craig).

That only angered Carly more so Sam left her with an ominous warning. Sam told Carly that if anything happened to Danny, that Carly would be just as responsible as Jason.

GH Spoilers – Is Morgan Corinthos really dead?

There’s quite a lot to unpack regarding Sam and Carly’s recent argument. Morgan has been mentioned quite a few times in recent weeks, so it could mean that Morgan isn’t as dead as previously believed. Bryan Craig has been hinting on social media that he might be coming back, so it seems quite possible.

But even if Morgan does return, does that mean something might happen to Danny in the coming weeks? Sam’s warning did seem a bit like foreshadowing.

General Hospital Spoilers – Steve Burton weighs in!

During a recent episode of The Daily Drama podcast, Steve Burton and Bradford Anderson (Damian Spinelli) talked about the situation with Jason’s sons.

General Hospital Spoilers: Ominous Fate For Danny? Steve Burton Weighs In!

Burton said that he’s been enjoying his scenes with both of Jason’s sons, Danny and Jake Webber (Hudson West). Burton was adamant that he would not want to see anything bad happen to either young man.

Even though it could bring about some emotional story, Burton was firm that it wasn’t a direction he wanted the story to go in.

What do you think?

Were you on Sam or Carly’s side? Is Morgan coming back? Will something deadly happen to Danny? Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. 

And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

  1. Liza says

    Danny is a great character to develop over the years. What a waste to waste him now.

  2. Dee says

    please don’t do this storyline do not put Jake or Danny in trouble neither one should b in a storyline that will hurt or kill any of the kids on the show what the heck are you writers doing your way off base and we’re tired of all the negative attudes on show it use to b fun and loving spats yes but it had humor adventure romance now its all crap we want Jason out from under Cates we want Carly and Sonny back togeather or at the least friends keep Jason away from Sam she’s messed up she use to b not so great she forgets that and so do writers and Liz no no way for Jason either he needs back with Sonny and they need to b friends and as for gio and dex no way could they b Jason’s kids that would b bad move your making us as fans not like gh anymore it’s morning not fun or even exciting anymore who cares what Sam wants a d where the heck is Dante why isn’t he with Sam there not in any more right BRING BACK OUR GH NOT THIS DAMN STORY ABOUT SONNYS MEDS FIND OUT ALREADY ANNA WOULD NEVER B THE HEAD OF PIKEMAN NO WAY SHES TO GOOD SO FIND OUT PROFF GET VAL GONE OR LET IT B VICTOR I DONT CARE BUT BRING THIS STORY TO CLOSE AND YOU COULD ALWAYS MAKE IT CRYUS I MEAN HED B A GREAT VILLIAN HES BEEN FOR YEARS AND HEATHER NO WAY LET HER PUT HEATHER HAS ALWAYS BEEN BAD DONT LET HER WALK BAD IDEAL DONT CARE QUIT HATE ON CARLY JASON SONNY JUST STOP THEY ARE GREAT ACTORS AND THEY DESERVE BETTER THEY ALL DO OK SORRY SO LONG BUT IM 70 AND WATCHED ALL THESE YEARS FOR WHAT TO WATCH GH GO TO CRAP BRING BACH OUR GH & CHARTERS THEY DESERVE BETTER TOO AND BRANDON SHOULD B WITH JASON BY NOW THEY WERE FAMILY WHAT A MESS🥰😍🤩😘😑😮‍💨🥵😪😬😐🙄😵‍💫☹️😧

  3. Carolyn says

    Cates needs to be hit by a bus or something can’t stand the guy. So tired of this story line and please Do Not Kill Or Hurt Danny Or Jake because of Jason that would just be wrong on,ALL LEVELS AND I WILL JUST STOP WATCHING and Kristina need to sit down somewhere and give Molly and TJ their baby. I do not like these story lines on GH at all. Get new writers already ‼️

  4. […] GH spoilers suggest that Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) has been struggling to reveal the truth about his paternity to Mac. He knows that Scorpio is his biological father; however, he’s kept it a secret because he lied about it when the DNA test was originally done. […]

  5. […] One example of that is Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco). Sam and Jason were deeply in love, but Jason would always put Carly first even ahead of their relationship. Sam and Carly had many battles over Jason’s time and attention. […]

  6. Kitty says

    No killing off young legacy characters!
    Jake and Danny are part of GH s future.

  7. C. Black says

    I agree Cates is over,
    Please DO NOT mess with Brooklynn and Chase. They’ve only been married a couple weeks. They need to be a bright spot on General. I think Carley and Jason would make a good pair —he’s loved her forever.
    Josslyn is better suited to Dex than Gio. Gio is too young for her.
    It was sooo sad to see Finn say “goodbye” to his adorable little girl. She’s an amazing actress,,,,

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