General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Carly’s In Trouble, And Sonny Is Not By Nina’s Side

General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Carly’s In Trouble, And Sonny Is Not By Nina’s Side

General Hospital: Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard)General Hospital: Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard)

General Hospital (GH) spoilers reveal Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) will finally come to his senses and choose his family over love. It’s about time, don’t ya think? After all, family should always come first — especially when it comes to repairing broken relationships. Sonny’s close call with death was a wake-up call for everyone involved, reminding them that life is short and it’s important to prioritize what really matters. Still, when he thought Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) had rejected him, he gave into “Mike’s” impulses and finally took a ride on a rather emotional rollercoaster with Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). Word on the street is he’s ready to get off the ride, and Carly is about to give him the perfect excuse to do so.

General Hospital Spoilers — Sonny Corinthos Came Home

When Sonny disappeared over Christmas in 2021, Carly thought he was gone for good and she moved on, painfully, with Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), only to have Sonny return on their wedding night and turn Carly’s world upside down. His lingering feelings for Nina would continue to be a point of contention for the couple despite Carly being able to table hers for Jason. Now, the dust has settled and these two have had some time apart to let their resentment toward one another die down. When Carly finds herself in trouble, he’ll rush to fix it — and Nina is going to be left wondering what just happened.

General Hospital: Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard)General Hospital: Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard)

General Hospital Updates – Nina Reeves Won’t Be Able To Keep Her Secret

When the SEC showed up at Michael (Chad Duell) and Willow Corinthos’ (Katelyn MacMullen) wedding ceremony looking for Carly, she knew she might be toast. It’s going to be difficult for them to corroborate her story with Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) out of town, but it also won’t make it simple for them to get them to turn against one another or deliver differing testimony. It might be wise for Drew to stay out of dodge for a while until Carly and Sonny can work this mess out. That means they’ll be getting a lot of face time — and in private — sans Nina. As they continue to put the pieces together and it leads then back to Martin ‘Marty’ Grey (Michael E. Knight), it won’t take Sonny long to figure out Nina was behind the whole thing.

Sonny Corinthos Will Come Back Home

Nina will still blame Carly for all of her failures, but it seems like Carly ain’t taking none of that nonsense. Carly is not afraid to speak her mind, but it doesn’t sound like she’ll have to tell Sonny what is expected of him when everyone realizes Nina has gone against the entire family in turning Carly in. Not only is Nina making her bed with Willow and their lack of a relationship, but she won’t keep Sonny in the end either — the only one who was ever on her side. In the midst of Carly’s crisis and Drew’s time away, it’s going to give her and her ex-mafioso man a lot of room to drift closer together. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead to see where this leads.

Dani Lasher: Dani Lasher is a childbirth educator, writer, women’s health advocate, and mother living in Western Maryland––just outside of Washington, DC––with her fiancé and five children. After earning her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Penn State, Danielle made good use of her writing and research talents as a copywriter, providing broken-down content on healthcare and drug research to enterprises around the globe. But her true love––the world of mothers and babies––was lying in wait. She cut the corporate career cord and hasn’t looked back since, contributing to several online publications, such as BabyGaga,, The Travel, Ingrid+Isabel, and more. Dani now runs The BIRTH Circle––an online childbirth education membership that prepares mothers to succeed at natural childbirth, as well as hosting the largest natural childbirth support network on Facebook as its companion community. With two published travel books under her belt, she spends her free time working on book number three and binge-watching General Hospital and The Kardashians.

View Comments (5)

  • love sonny & Nina they are good for each other & sonny should be side ninas side to he will for give nina to should to

  • It’s amazing that people can’t understand why Nina would be crazy. Her mother put her in a coma and stole her children. There’s people in therapy for years for a whole lot less . I like Carly and Sonny together but stop acting like Nina has no reason to act like she does. I find it strange that Willow can forgive everyone but her mother. Michael is the most ridiculous character . He went from Nelle walking all over him but now he’s tough enough to take on Sonny. weakest man ever! What were the writers thinking. Sonny is the only reason I still watch

  • well GH writer's You really have disgustingly have ruin The show degrading Nina and putting Sonny back with Carly..Again you allow Carly to get away with her dirty deeds and shine like a Saint..Carly on a peddle stool quit disturbing and not worth watching any more....You continually made this the The Carly Show and no longer General Hospital..So big of a let down....

  • I agree with others so sick of Carly always getting what she wants. Nina was going to tell Carly that Sonny was alive but of course Carly wouldnt listen. I feel for Nina, yes she has made mistakes sometimes sticks her nose where it should not be but then she gets blame for it, as Carly walks away from all her mess. The writers have to find away of Nina and Sonny to be together love them as a couple. Please Please Please try to do this or you will be losing long time watchers.
