Soap Vet A Martinez Calls Out Former General Hospital Star Steve Burton For Not Getting Vaccinated

General Hospital’s Steve Burton and Ingo Rademacher have both been off the soap since November when they refused to comply with Disney/ABC’s vaccine mandate.

General Hospital Stars Refuse Mandate

While both actors have given their side, claiming they are not against vaccines, just mandates and touting personal freedom, Rademacher has taken it as far as suing Disney in a California state court for violating his alleged constitutional rights and still spreading the misinformation that the vaccines don’t work when they actually do work by preventing people from becoming severely sick and dying.

Even though Burton is no longer with the show, he continues to make Instagram posts promoting health and wellness. “In his latest post, Burton wrote: You have one life, live it. You have one body, exercise it. You have one mind, control it. You have one soul, feed it. Self-discipline in these areas is self-love. Every day is a new day to make a change. Don’t settle.. you have one life, make the most of it.”

A Martinez Respectfully Gives Steve Burton a Piece Of His Mind

Actor A Martinez, who came to daytime fame as Cruz Castillo on the defunct NBC soap Santa Barbara, and who worked with Burton when he played Roy DeLuca on GH, had his own long and detailed response to Burton and let his feelings be known about people who refuse to vaccinate themselves against COVID-19, thereby continuing the chain of transmission with this virus.


“It’s possible to cast oneself as a Man of Principle — an implicitly attractive role — while still doing immeasurable harm. Immeasurable because — though we know that long Covid and death are much more prevalent among the sea of non-vaccinated — no one can say for sure who exactly caused the next infections in the burgeoning pandemic to occur,” Martinez wrote. “You support the transmission mechanism, irrefutably, but can’t be personally blamed or anything — there’s an attractive proposition for ya!

Meanwhile, we take refuge in the relative mildness of the latest variant, betting recklessly that the next one won’t be catastrophic, as we help enable its genesis by keeping the massive pool of illness alive and spreading. The losses, some of them so close to home, are heartbreaking. As is the stance you’ve taken — for which you’re so widely adored. Though I know you have your reasons, and have built your place in this with the care of an architect, It’s just heartbreaking, brother.”

Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to see if Steve Burton ever gets vaccinated and is able to return to the soap.


Elizabeth Rose: Elizabeth Rose has spent most of her long adult life writing about soaps off and on. She grew up on long-departed soaps Another World, Santa Barbara, All My Children, One Life to Live, and Guiding Light. Since college she has been a General Hospital lover and considers herself to be an encyclopedia of everything daytime.

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