Is Nancy Lee Grahn Getting Sued & Fired From GH?
Nancy Lee Grahn rumors suggested that she might lose her job as Alexis Davis on General Hospital, (GH). There are even allegations that she could get sued for her controversial political stance. Very open about her deep opposition to President Donald Trump, some people allegedly hope that she loses her job on the ABC show.
Powerful Groups Feel Threatened?
There’s no denying that the GH star was upset when Donald Trump won the elections in 2024. In fact, she felt so demotivated and depressed that she said she almost felt like giving up on fighting for democracy. And, a lot of her social media followers felt the same way. However, she perked up again and is in full swing with her political opinions.
These days, Nancy Lee Grahn is not all that active on Elon Musk’s X, but she is on Threads, Instagram, and more. Of course, some of those conversations make it to X, and rumors are arising that she took things too far and jeopardized her job on General Hospital.
According to TV Daily Spoilers, “…her bluntness has placed her in peril as some powerful groups feel threatened by her statements.” Interestingly, hostile posts against Nancy don’t get a lot of engagement on X. For example, the one below got 39 viewers, no likes, zero comments, and no reshares.

The aforementioned outlet claimed in the headline that Nancy was “Sued” and speculated that she could be “Fired From General Hospital.” Can that be debunked?
Social Media Speculation & Reality
Recently, the GH star took to her Instagram and shared an approving post citing Liz Cheney who said, “I say this to my Republican colleagues … there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” Plenty of ABC fans liked the post. The thing is, people are allowed personal opinions across the political divide.

Wishful thinking that Nancy might lose her job on the ABC drama because of her personal opinions stretches back for years. So, far, none of them ever came true. As for being sued by “powerful” people, there are no current articles on reputable websites about that being true. Speculation and personal opinions on social media don’t cut it as the truth. Similar claims were debunked by various outlets over the years.
Leaving The Show Is Always Possible
Characters often get written out of the show. Recently, it was the turn of Chad Duell, (Michael Corinthos). Sometimes, actors leave voluntarily, and other times it’s convenient to cut characters from the show due to other commitments. But so far, the anti-Trump stance by Grahn hasn’t ended Alexis Davis on the show.
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below, and come back here often for all your General Hospital news and rumors.
she should cut back on her hateful rhetoric.
I truly cannot stand her fight for the left. The party if hate. I would not miss her at all if she was let go
Get rid of her. She is not that great of an actress
This is supposed to be a free country. she shouldn’t be sued or fired because her views differ from someone elses.
If she was spewing the same kind of hate toward a democrat, it would be a different story. Many people on the “right” have been canceled for voicing opinions on any liberal. And their statements haven’t been anywhere near as hateful as Nancy’s ‘opinions’. Her problem is she doesn’t think her thoughts are opinions. She believes she’s right and the only one who has the facts. She has an obsessive hate for Trump and anyone who dares call themselves conservative. She’s a great actress and no one deserves to lose a job over political beliefs. But, if she talks to those on set who disagree with her, the way she does those online, belittling and berating them, then she most certainly deserves to be fired, like anyone else would.
I agree that Donald Trump is GREAT PRESIDENT and I am happy he helping the USA get out of debt. I was a Democrat but no more and now I am a PROUD REPUBLICAN!
so threatening her coworkers and the crew of GH is okay? wishing people harm and death is all good with you? you must be a toxic bigot like her.
Nancy is lower than snail poop.She can’t even run her own life.She is nothing but Trash.Nancy don’t have a clue and it shows.I think Nancy has always been a horrible actor.Buggs Bunny is a much better actor.Most of the actors on G.H. can’t stand her .Musk’s son is a darling little boy,How dare nancy throws the little feller under the bus.Every child picks there nose at one time or the other,But Nancy just had to make that kids life harder,what she has done by singleing him out Nancy has bully this poor boy.In schools and church and everywhere else he will be bullied for What You Done and posted you are a Sick person nancy and that poor kid did nothing to you.You are a child are a sick person .Pick on someone your own size and do it alone no one cares about you.People arent laughing with you they are laughing at your lack of compasion.You nancy are just a sick BULLY.
She should be fined or refrained from her far left speech, though we have “ freedom of speech “. GG should tell her tone it down or be fined or fired! That woman is too far left and seems to only have or care for herself!
GH should stand up and put a stop to the unstable hatred she spews. They get rid of really good people and keep this shrew. Enough is enough.
I wish everyone would get off Nancy’s back. She is allowed to state her opinions as a citizen and if ppl
Don’t agree just scroll by. Her opinions in no way affect her fine talent as an actor. Find something else to moan about!
I wholeheartedly agree.
Everyone should be able to express their opinion. Nobody should be prosecuted for saying something that some folks mighty not agree with
I think she should keep her personal political views to herself. We all have our views and I don’t force mine on anyone and she shouldn’t either! I don’t care about her political views if she can’t keep her views to herself she shouldn’t be let go. She is a professional and she should act like one.
Correct above she should be let go!
I think now that the election is over she should shut up and respect the President of the USA, and pray for him to do what is best for our country, not himself like some past Presidents have. There has been several Presidents that I didn’t agree with but I respected my President.
G.H will be losing a very large amount of fans.Grehn(ALEXIS) WHO PLAYS ON G.H..She has voiced too many accusations.on our sitting President Trump. I have heard so many fans that can not wait till Beyond the Gates starts so they can fill that time slot on different channel .I stoped watching G.H. that i have watched for over 30 years.But G.H. seems to be taking her side in her trashing our President. This will be last time I read anything or watch anything she is part of.
No body would miss her she’s over rated & a nasty person, she’s spews hate and if anyone dare challenge her or has a difference of opinion on political matters, she gets co workers fired and disrespects them daily, she attacks prior fans, comes at them with a vengeance, in her eyes only her thoughts, feelings & opinions matter! But yet claims to be associated with the party of love & acceptance, yeah right only if you think like she does. She’s ignorant, racist, & vile. GH viewers would increase if she were gone. Most people fast forward thru her scenes on the show. Bye Nasty Nancy go get a life
Nobody cares what she has to say. She’s not E.F. Hutton! remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks years ago… when 1 of them said George Bush was an idiot? they suffered tremendous hostile action.. that ended their run in music!!!: Why should Nancy be any different. Just saying!!!!
This is still a free country for now and she is entitled to to say ANYTHING she wants about the ignorant, psychopathic orange turd that she wants! Fire her and LOTS of people will stop watching. There are more of us than the disgusting Maggots!
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