Maurice Benard Wants Buddy On General Hospital?
General Hospital star Maurice Benard, (Sonny Corithos) seems like a nice man off-screen. The ABC star adores his kids and little TT. He loves animals, and he thinks it would be a grand idea to have Buddy on the ABC show. Read on to find out more.
Maurice Benard Is All About Buddy
Over the holiday season, GH fans saw that the real-life Sonny Corinthos went off shopping for gifts for his wife, Paula Smith. Looking a bit abashed, he revealed to her via his social media, that queues were long. So, he ended up just having to buy her the cutest pup.
When the new year came along, Maurice Benard put out a philosophical message to his General Hospital fans. The ABC star spoke about how life can be hurtful and painful. However, there are some special moments. So, he wanted to find a balance. Ever since then, he posted repeatedly about Buddy. If you don’t know, Buddy is his goat.
Maurice Benard Wants Buddy On GH
About two years ago, ABC fans saw a video of Buddy on Facebook. Since then, fans of Sonny Corinthos the crime boss, have seen many more reels of Buddy on Instagram and TikTok. A day ago, he suggested that Buddy should be on General Hospital.

Maurice Benard’s goat is known to be a bit of a diva and is feisty. Anyway, in his caption on Instagram, he wrote:
Buddy the Goat and Friend. I asked a question do you want buddy on @generalhospitalabc[?] how about Buddy on @mbstateofmind. I think that’s more realistic?
GH Fans React To Buddy On The Soap
Maurice Benard got some interesting reactions to Buddy being on the GH show. One responder wrote in the comments, “Maybe buddy can reunite you and Carly and get rid of Drew and willow!!!”
Another fan suggested, “Maybe Buddy can take Cyrus out on GH? Assassin Goat to the rescue. 😂 the Mayor could proclaim a “Buddy the Hero” day. Just saying…..”
Others agreed that they would like to see Buddy on Maurice Benard’s next State of Mind podcast. Well, it didn’t happen this Sunday when he chatted with Chad Duell (Michael Corinthos). But maybe one day, it will happen in a future podcast. And, you never know, maybe Buddy will show up on an episode of GH.
What do you think Maurice Benard liking the idea of getting Buddy the Goat on the ABC show? Do you love the idea of that? Or, do you agree it might be more practical for him to feature on the State of Mind podcast? Shout out in the comments below, and remember to come back here often for all your General Hospital news, spoilers, and updates.
deep six drew . he us ab embarrassment to general hospital. many of us will stop watching if sonny Kea b es.
Maybe a dog instead. It can be a therapy dog for him after this thing with Michael, Since he has heart problems, the dog wound be better than a goat.
it can be a theropy goat ,or Goat yoga,Goat GREATEST OF ALL TIMES. SOUNDS LIME A JOB FOR BUDDY. G.H uses a lama for gh lucy co show lol. We want buddy WE WANT BUDDY THE GOAT YES WE DO.
I 100% agree that WE WANT BUDDY THE GOAT ON GH !!! Buddy can sniff out Who Set Sonny’s Home ABLAZE what do you all think about that!! lol ….. All kidding aside I think it would be great for Buddy to be on GH, he would put some HUMOR in different storylines!!