General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Ava And Esme Come Face To Face At Wyndemere

General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Ava And Esme Come Face To Face At Wyndemere

General Hospital: Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl)General Hospital: Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl)

General Hospital (GH) spoilers reveal Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West) has been bunking with her bestie, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) for a couple of months now since she stormed out of Wyndemere and left her hubby, Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) wondering if she would ever come back. He was pretty consumed by that question until he had a new load of melodrama land in his lap when Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) showed up making demands and claiming to be pregnant with his child. Now, he’s been hiding her away in the north tower and managed to rope Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) into helping with her prenatal care while he figures out how to manage Esme after she gives birth. This just might work out perfectly, as long as Ava never finds out.

General Hospital Spoilers — Hiding Esme is a Challenge

When Nikolas first thought to stow Esme away in the north tower, he wasn’t concerned with anyone finding her. His staff is reliable and would never turn him in. Ava was long gone and likely not returning anytime soon, as much as he hated to admit that to himself. Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaugnessy) was preoccupied with framing Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and consumed by making Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) do his bidding. Then the young mom-to-be incurred what appears to be a prenatal emergency, and Nikolas knew he was going to need help of the medical kind. That’s where Elizabeth came into play. Still, between the two of them, things have been running pretty smoothly. Hiding Esme is easy enough, and hiding her baby is easy — as long as he or she is inside Esme’s belly.

General Hospital Updates – How Will Nik Hide A Newborn Baby?

Nikolas has yet to reveal what his plans really are for Esme and the baby after the birth. Elizabeth is presuming he will actually send Esme away to one of his Greek islands to live out her life, but it’s quite possible he’ll make sure she’s returned to lockup. Of course, if she is, then she will have the freedom to tell everyone the new baby at Wyndemere is her child — and that’s probably something he’s wanting to keep quiet. So how will he explain that he has a new child? Rumor has it people are going to start talking well before the baby ever arrives. That’s going to be a problem.

Ava Finds Esme

As Victor continues to drop hints to Ava that Nikolas is moving on, it’s going to drive her mad not knowing whether he’s embellishing or not. Is something really happening on Spoon Island that she’s oblivious to? Has she waited too long to go back and work on her marriage? Has Nikolas found someone else — and is that someone else Elizabeth? When she hears murmurings of Liz spending time in the castle, she’s going to hop the launch over there to find out for herself. Instead of bumping into Liz in the castle corridors, she’s going to come face to face with Esme in the north tower. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers as all hell breaks loose in Nikolas life.

Dani Lasher: Dani Lasher is a childbirth educator, writer, women’s health advocate, and mother living in Western Maryland––just outside of Washington, DC––with her fiancé and five children. After earning her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Penn State, Danielle made good use of her writing and research talents as a copywriter, providing broken-down content on healthcare and drug research to enterprises around the globe. But her true love––the world of mothers and babies––was lying in wait. She cut the corporate career cord and hasn’t looked back since, contributing to several online publications, such as BabyGaga,, The Travel, Ingrid+Isabel, and more. Dani now runs The BIRTH Circle––an online childbirth education membership that prepares mothers to succeed at natural childbirth, as well as hosting the largest natural childbirth support network on Facebook as its companion community. With two published travel books under her belt, she spends her free time working on book number three and binge-watching General Hospital and The Kardashians.

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