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General Hospital Fans Demand Writer Overhaul

General Hospital Fans Demand Writer OverhaulGeneral Hospital is facing a growing wave of discontent from its loyal fanbase. Viewers are increasingly vocal about their dissatisfaction with recent storylines, character developments, and casting choices. The outcry has reached a fever pitch, with many fans calling for a complete overhaul of the writing team.

Why GH Fans Are Frustrated

A primary target of fan frustration is the current storyline, which many deem repetitive, drawn-out, and lacking in originality. Social media platforms have become a battleground for fans to express their disappointment, with comments on the show’s Instagram posts often turning into platforms for criticism.

One fan questioned the recasting of a character, while another expressed frustration with a storyline that seems to be going in circles.

Beyond the storylines, fans are also voicing concerns about the show’s characterization. The portrayal of certain characters has been met with confusion and disbelief, with viewers feeling that their favorite figures are being written out of character. The recent departure of a beloved actor, Michael Easton, has only added fuel to the fire.

Casting Choices Causing Outrage

Casting choices have also come under scrutiny. While the return of some fan-favorite characters like Lucky Spencer and Lulu is welcomed, the continued presence of Agent Cates has sparked outrage.

Many viewers believe the character is unnecessary and detracts from the overall quality of the show.

General Hospital Fans Demand Writer Overhaul

As the clamor for change grows louder, the pressure is mounting on General Hospital’s producers to address the fans’ concerns.

Whether the show will respond with a writer shakeup remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the loyal fanbase is demanding a return to the show’s former glory days.

Will General Hospital be able to regain the trust of its viewers and deliver the compelling storytelling they crave? Only time will tell.

  1. Gammalinda48 says

    YES, I can see the Fan’s are sick of the merry-go-round GH is going!! One person that they want off the show is Agent Cates, and I disagree here’s my reason!! Cates can add a little bit of fuel to the fire in a few storylines that have been going no where!! I find him interesting, sexy, and just maybe the Writers can create a Storyline to keep him on GH.?? Example go back to when he was fuming over the loss of his brother, and blaming Sonny!! There had to be more to it, or create a Love Story for him which could change his personality!! I’m jumping in circles trying to keep him on GH, but if the Writers solved some of the OLD STORYLINES then just maybe it opens the Door for New Actors like him, Brennan !! We need New Storylines, the old ones are so BORING, how long can someone be off the correct Dose of Meds in real like Sonny would have jumped off a Bridge by now!! Where is Dex what happen to him?? Yes, Lulu is suppose to be waking up, Lucky is coming home who else will be showing up?? Don’t You Think closing out some of these OLD storylines First & Fast before the Newby’s Arrive?? Just when things were looking upwards ( Winning and EMMY for Best Soap Opera ) the New Writers are bringing back down!! So Writers listen to your FANS, and do what we are asking at least some of them!! My wish is don’t get Rid of BRENNAN & CATES some new Sexy Guys for the Fans!! Remember we were IFFY on Brennan now we all are drooling over him, make it that way for CATES ( this 75yr.old women really likes what she sees in both men) lol

    1. Susanne says

      Brennan adds a lot to the show—he’s charming and clever and is an intriguing character. Cates, in the other hand, is dull and whiny and seems to have ZERO personality or social skills. A villain is only good for a story line if he has at least ONE redeeming trait. Cates has none. He’s skeevy and creepy and so far aeeems pretty lousy at his job. Why are we wasting screen time on him?

  2. DOT says

    It’s the lack of Imagination for me. The writers start off really good with Steve Burtons return/Pikeman but how it started ended sloppy. The constant Carly drama, I believe many fans are over it. We get she is a main character but she’s not the only character that should be the main focus. There are plenty of other characters/Actors that everyone else wants to see. Also there are characters that are written way out of character not to mention the over drawn out storylines. We’ve lost many fan favorite Actors. There is just no passion behind the writing. There is so much to say. Also why don’t we see Kelly Monaco? She’s been on GH for 21yrs and she has not one time been given a storyline to sink her teeth into. What about our Black Actors Trina, Portia, Curtis, Stella even T.j. there is no storylines for them. Where is Uri and Terry’s storylines. Sonny not being on his meds like IMO how much more do they expect for a long time GH Vet Maurice Benard to keep playing a Bipolar storyline knowing it’s a struggle for him. Might I add the storyline for Steve Burtons return was just awful. The storylines are plain boring and I’m honestly scared that GH with the rate it’s going is going to get canceled at the rate it’s going.

  3. […] came to a head in the outside the courtroom before Carly’s arraignment. Cates baited Sonny until he almost hit the man […]

  4. […] McCullough recently jumped on social media to help paint a picture of working on television as she evolved from a little girl to a teenager and then an adult. […]

  5. Kitty says

    Cates is good. It’s holly Sutton we don’t need. GH needs younger characters, not another 60 something

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