Why The Heck Is General Hospital’s Carly Spencer Baking?

Why The Heck Is General Hospital's Carly Spencer Baking?

Why The Heck Is General Hospital's Carly Spencer Baking?Why The Heck Is General Hospital's Carly Spencer Baking?

General Hospital spoilers reveal Carly continuing to look like the show’s shining heroine who is everyone’s best friend while full of sweetness and light when she is most certainly no such thing.

General Hospital Spoilers: Why Is Carly In A Kitchen?

For some reason, GH is on a quest to get the audience to forget who Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) is. Suddenly, she has all these long-standing friendships we never saw form. She is a confidante, a caring and attentive mother, and even when she commits a crime, the person who turns her in is considered the real bad guy.

And, she bakes. Yes, Carly now bakes and it makes absolutely no sense. Since when does Carly even know where a kitchen is much less how to bake in one? We never see her living room anymore — just her kitchen, or rather Sonny’s kitchen since she is living in his house that he still pays for.

The first time we saw her baking, we were sure it had to be a fluke. It also became a very weird scene because Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) decided he forgave her for lying to his face for months on end, knocked all the baking stuff off the counter, and then lifted Carly onto the counter in what was supposed to be a moment of passion that fell flatter than a badly-baked souffle.

Let Carly Be Carly

There are some things that longtime viewers should just know about Carly and one of those things is that she doesn’t cook, much less bake, an activity that often takes more skill than cooking. Even the most famed chefs have trouble baking but there was Carly making brownies for no real reason when Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) came to tell her he has lots of evidence against Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard).

Make it make sense. Why can’t we just have Carly as Carly? She is a loudmouth, she is a manipulator, and she is mean. We see that every day but we are supposed to forget that is happening because she acts like herself with heroine music playing in the background.

And now she bakes. Baking is a staple of long-ago soap heroines like Guiding Light’s Bert Bauer (Charita Bauer), Another World’s Ada Hobson (Constance Ford), and Days of our Lives’ Alice Horton (Frances Reid). It is not something we should ever see Carly doing.

Soaps work best when characters are allowed to be who they are. Let Carly be Carly. Let her be hated by half the town. And let her order her pie from Kelly’s because that way more fans might like her even if everyone else in PC does not. Stay tuned to General Hospital spoilers weekdays to see how this story plays out.

Elizabeth Rose: Elizabeth Rose has spent most of her long adult life writing about soaps off and on. She grew up on long-departed soaps Another World, Santa Barbara, All My Children, One Life to Live, and Guiding Light. Since college she has been a General Hospital lover and considers herself to be an encyclopedia of everything daytime.

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