General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Won’t Have to Tattle on Nina — She’s Going to Tell Sonny the Truth

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Won’t Have to Tattle on Nina — She’s Going to Tell Sonny the Truth

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Won’t Have to Tattle on Nina — She’s Going to Tell Sonny the TruthGeneral Hospital Spoilers: Michael Won’t Have to Tattle on Nina — She’s Going to Tell Sonny the Truth

General Hospital spoilers hint Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is going to be forced to choose — between the man she loves and just married, and the daughter she always wanted.

Faced with the unspeaking fate of possibly losing access to Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) and her grandchildren, Nina is going to come clean to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) in hopes that he will forgive her and help her smooth things over as the truth comes out.

At the same time, she’ll be hoping that she can work Michael’s power play against her to her advantage. How is Willow going to feel when she learns her husband was blackmailing her mother behind her back?

General Hospital Spoilers — Nina Confesses to Sonny!

Nina isn’t going to let Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) hold this dirt over her head. She didn’t cover her joy very well when she defended herself to Michael and poked fun at the fact that she’s the only one in the equation who hadn’t broken the law — pointing out that Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) actually had.

But goodness knows Sonny is the last person who is going to hold that against his ex-wife. The question is: Will he hold it against Nina for wanting Carly out of their lives so badly that she tried to make it happen?

We’re about to find out when Nina confesses her secret to Sonny and begs for his forgiveness.

GH Spoilers Leak Mums the Word

Sonny may agree to keep quiet about Nina’s secret until she’s ready to tell Willow the truth, but he will likely expect her to do so —- and soon.

That’s going to burn Michael — who has only recently got over the last time his father chose Nina over the rest of his family.

This is going to come as the ultimate betrayal to Michael, and what’s worse is now he may have to explain to Willow why he went behind her back and tried to blackmail her mother to stay away from them.

Seeing Sonny align himself with Nina instead of his own son may be crossing a line with Michael that they can never come back from.

General Hospital Spoilers — Willow Becomes Her Weapon

When Nina tells Willow what she’s done, she’s going to have Sonny’s support. Michael will naturally be furious that Sonny is okay with what Nina did to Carly, and he’s going to expect that Willow will be, too.

But he may have underestimated just how happy his wife actually is to have a real mother-daughter relationship for once. Willow wasn’t trying to invest herself so much into her relationship with Nina, but she has — and now she may not want to let that go so easily.

Carly is likely to forgive that move on Willow’s part, but can Michael? Will Willow be able to forgive Michael for “looking out for her and their children” to the extent that he kept her in the dark about all of it while he weaponized his knowledge of Nina’s faux pas against her? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out.

Dani Lasher: Dani Lasher is a childbirth educator, writer, women’s health advocate, and mother living in Western Maryland––just outside of Washington, DC––with her fiancé and five children. After earning her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Penn State, Danielle made good use of her writing and research talents as a copywriter, providing broken-down content on healthcare and drug research to enterprises around the globe. But her true love––the world of mothers and babies––was lying in wait. She cut the corporate career cord and hasn’t looked back since, contributing to several online publications, such as BabyGaga,, The Travel, Ingrid+Isabel, and more. Dani now runs The BIRTH Circle––an online childbirth education membership that prepares mothers to succeed at natural childbirth, as well as hosting the largest natural childbirth support network on Facebook as its companion community. With two published travel books under her belt, she spends her free time working on book number three and binge-watching General Hospital and The Kardashians.

View Comments (3)

  • i know its a soap, but i have never cared for the character that Nina portrays. She stole and broke up a family.
    I don't like where this story is headed because i just don't like the character I fast forward ALL her scenes

  • poor Nina it seems like the whole world has been against her for a while..give her a break..there is so much a girl can take..when will Michael get what's coming to him..hes a not a very happy man..I hope sonny..believe and trust in nina...she's really a good person..
