General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Defended Cody — What Does It Mean?

General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Defended Cody — What Does It Mean?

General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Defended Cody — What Does It Mean?General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Defended Cody — What Does It Mean?

General Hospital spoilers tease that Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) didn’t hesitate to jump between Sasha Gilmore Corbin (Sofia Mattsson) and Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) and defend him when he couldn’t defend himself. No one could make sense of Sasha’s attack in the moment, although they all knew she was fragile.

Still, nobody expected her to viciously lash out at the people she cares about. This is going to leave many of her loved ones feeling remorseful and as though they should’ve been more concerned about her shoplifting stint at Logan’s. As for Cody, he’ll be wondering what went wrong and may start to emotionally distance himself from Sasha in her absence. Meanwhile, Maxie’s selflessness will go a long with Cody, but it’s not what anyone thinks.

General Hospital Spoilers — Sasha Lost It

No one will be making any excuses for Sasha, except for Maxie. She’ll have to do damage control at Deception, and that means offering up explanations to reporters about what happened to the face of their brand. Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) is likely to show the least amount of sympathy for Sasha since she didn’t witness the attack go down, nor was she present to take in Sasha’s erratic behavior.

Her brand is her baby and that is where her worry will be, but Maxie is still going to be concerned for her friend and will know she needs a career to come back to that isn’t a disaster. Of course, in the mix, Maxie might need a friend to lean on as she deals with the stress of handling Sasha’s workload on Lucy’s terms — and that friend may surprise some of us.

GH Spoilers Say Maxie Risked All

Cody isn’t going to forget how Maxie stepped in and pleaded with Sasha not to come an inch closer to Cody. He was bleeding profusely after one strike from the knife Sasha wielded and stuck into his side. Would anyone have tried to mitigate the situation? Perhaps, but Cody can’t say with confidence that anyone else would’ve done it to their own detriment the way Maxie dared to. She didn’t think twice before jumping to his side and attempting to stem the bleeding. That’s not nothing, and he’s going to have a hard time shaking how she came through for him at that time.

General Hospital Spoilers — Cody and Maxie Bond

Cody is going to be laid up for a minute recovering, and rumor has it Maxie will swing by his bedside on more than one occasion. These two might start to bond in a whole new way. At first, everyone seemed to think Sasha and Cody were headed for a romantic interlude, but now people might get that idea about Cody. Fortunately, Maxie isn’t into the guy that way, and he certainly doesn’t feel that way about her given that he knows he is her stepbrother. But spending time with her and having a way back into her circle is going to delight him for the very same reason, which he’s kept secret. Will she draw it out of him? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out.

Dani Lasher: Dani Lasher is a childbirth educator, writer, women’s health advocate, and mother living in Western Maryland––just outside of Washington, DC––with her fiancé and five children. After earning her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Penn State, Danielle made good use of her writing and research talents as a copywriter, providing broken-down content on healthcare and drug research to enterprises around the globe. But her true love––the world of mothers and babies––was lying in wait. She cut the corporate career cord and hasn’t looked back since, contributing to several online publications, such as BabyGaga,, The Travel, Ingrid+Isabel, and more. Dani now runs The BIRTH Circle––an online childbirth education membership that prepares mothers to succeed at natural childbirth, as well as hosting the largest natural childbirth support network on Facebook as its companion community. With two published travel books under her belt, she spends her free time working on book number three and binge-watching General Hospital and The Kardashians.

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